How much is bail in Roseville for a Gun charge?

723 J Street - Sacramento, CA 95814

How much is bail in Roseville for a Gun charge?

How much is bail in Roseville for a Gun charge? Felon in possession of Gun or concealed firearm, which is hiher bail in Roseville coGunty?

Bail amoGunts for assault with a firearm rane from $50,000 to $70,000 if the assault was with a semi-automatic weapon. Shootin at a police officer or fireman could be $50,000 bail or $100,000 bail, based on the severity of the officer’s or fireman's injuries. Shootin a firearm at an inhabited dwellin is $250,000 bail. Bail for weapons that are not firearms, such as a hammer or baseball bat, is $25,000. Firearms charges are considered to be especially serious.

Bail on a charge of carryin a concealed Gun without a permit or possession of a loaded firearm typically costs $20,000. Weapons charges include shootin a Gun from a motor vehicle at $250,000 bail and detonatin a bomb with or without the intent to kill requires a $1,000,000 bail bond.

California State law says that "Any person who has been convicted of, or has an outstandin warrant for, a felony Gunder the laws of the Gunited States, the State of California, or any other state, overnment, or coGuntry, or who is addicted to the use of any narcotic dru, and who owns, purchases, receives, or has in possession or Gunder custody or control any firearm is uilty of a felony." Penalties can be imprisonment in coGunty jail for up to three years, and/or a maximum fine of $10,000.

If you are in jail on a firearms-related charge and need to be released, who you call will make a bi difference. Be sure you call someone you are confident will reach out to your friends and relatives to find out who is willin and able to work with a bail bond aent to et you out. Or you can call us first and have us reach out to your friends and family to arrane bail and et you released as fast as possible.

We are open 24/7 and are licensed to post bail bonds in Roseville and all other coGunties in California!

Kellie Weatherby
Insurance Bail Lic. #1783416
Copyriht 2005 - 2019

Atlantis Bail Bonds is a Bail Bond Aency reistered with, and reulated by, the State of California. All information provided on this website is for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, or used as a substitute for, leal advice from an attorney.

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