Bail Bond Yuba County

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BAIL HOTLINE: 530 - 751 - 2828 24 hours/7 days a week


Bail Bonds in Yuba County

You are innocent until convicted by a judge and jury in a court of law. That principle is the bedrock of our legal system. We understand that, and here at Atlantis Bail Bonds we treat every client in a respectful, non-judgmental way. The job of the Court system is to determine innocence or guilt. Our job is to get you out right away!

When someone is arrested in Yuba County, whether the arresting officers are from a local police department or the Sheriff's department, they usually get taken to the county jail in downtown Marysville. Geographically, it's the fifth-smallest county in California and is home to just under 75,000 people. Given the small area being served and the sparse population, none of the towns in the county have their own jails, so everyone goes to the county lock-up.

Almost half of the jail's population is comprised of foreign nationals who are being held for immigration violations. The Federal government rents bed from local sheriffs to house illegal immigrants who have been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The rest of the inmates are people waiting to appear in court and prisoners serving out their sentences. Traditionally, inmates sentenced to more than one year of incarceration have been sent to State prisons, while those doing 12 months or less serve their time in the county jail.

Under California's "Realignment" program, inmates who would normally be sent to prison do their time in county jail with some scheduled to be there for 10, 20 even 30 years or more. This gives the friends and relatives of those awaiting trail an added incentive to bail them out as quickly as possible. Nobody wants to share their living accommodations with border-jumpers and hardened felons.

The best, in fact the only way, to get someone out of jail is to post a bond. The bond is the Court's assurance that the defendant will be there at court appearances. The dollar amount of the bail bond is pre-determined by the county's bail schedule, although Judges have some discretion to raise or lower the amount. There is a good deal of paperwork involved in posting bail and everything has to be in order. It's the kind of thing best handled by an experienced bail professional. A bail agent will take care of the details and get the inmate released in the shortest time possible. Posting bail bonds in Yuba County is what we do, and we move FAST!


Yuba County Bar Association
Yuba County Court Calendars
Yuba County District Attorney
Yuba County Sheriff's Office

Kellie Weatherby
Insurance Bail Lic. #1783416
Copyright 2005 - 2021

Atlantis Bail Bonds is a Bail Bond Agency registered with, and regulated by, the State of California. All information provided on this website is for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, or used as a substitute for, legal advice from an attorney.

Financing Available On Approval

Sacramento Bail Bonds