Cheap Bail Stockton

Sacramento Bail Bonds   Sacramento Bail Bonds
BAIL HOTLINE: 209 - 465 - 6868 24 hours/7 days a week

Cheap Bail in Stockton

The truth is that all bail bond agents in Stockton, and throughout all of California, are regulated by the State. No bail agent is allowed to charge more than ten percent of the total amount. That's the law!

While the State of California dictates the maximum fee for a bond, it is market-forces that limit the minimum charge that you will be asked to pay. Bail agents are backed by insurers who make it possible for them to put up the large amounts of money that are often required to get someone released from jail. If the person who has been arrested fails to show up for scheduled appearances in court, the insurer will be liable for the entire amount of the bond. In most cases, the defendant will show up for all of his or her court appearances, but there has to be enough profit in each transaction to cover the cost of those few cases where the agent and insurer forfeit the amount of the bond.

As bail agents operating in San Joaquin County (which includes Stockton), we are committed to providing a much-needed service at an affordable cost. We offer several discount options tailored for union members, defendants who have already retained an attorney and others. Those who qualify may receive rates discounted by as much as 20%, bringing the cost of bail down to as low as 8% of the amount of the bond. That could save you a lot of money.

If you see ads promising cheap bail in Stockton, at rates of 5% or even 3%, read the fine print before you sign ANYTHING! No one can write a bail bond at those rates. Cheap bail is not going to happen, but we CAN make a bond AFFORDABLE! With our discounts and financing plans, we can get your friend or relative out of jail at pricing that fits your budget. Cheap bail Stockton is just a call away. Call today; they could be home tonight!

Sacramento Bail Bonds

Kellie Weatherby
Insurance Bail Lic. #1783416
Copyright 2005 - 2021

Atlantis Bail Bonds is a Bail Bond Agency registered with, and regulated by, the State of California. All information provided on this website is for informative purposes only and should not be construed as, or used as a substitute for, legal advice from an attorney.

Financing Available On Approval

Sacramento Bail Bonds