How much is Drug Possession for Sale bail in Placer County?
The charges involved for drug possession (which are what bail will be based on) in Placer County will vary depending on the type of drug involved, the amount of drugs and several other circumstances. For example, simple Possession, Possession for Sale or Transportation for Sale are three separate charges but bail starts at $20,000 for less than 1/2 ounce but rises to $1,000,000 if more than 10 pounds are involved. By contrast, the bail is just $5,000 for possession of Marijuana, only if defendant has a prior PC667(e)(2)(c)(iv) or is PC 290(c) registrant, but possession with intent to sell doubles that bail amount. If the controlled substance is Methamphetamine or PCP, the bail amount also doubles.
Possession of materials or precursors with intent to manufacture methamphetamine or PCP is usually $75,000 bail bond in Placer County County.
If firearms possession is involved those charges can add to the amount of bail required for your release from custody.
The amount of bail required is set by a panel of judges and is clearly defined in the Placer County County Bail Schedule.
How much is drug possession bail in Placer County? The short answer is that it can be anywhere between $5,000 and $1,000,000 or much more. Contact us to find out how affordable it can be to post bail for you!
We always treat all our clients with respect and we protect their confidentiality while doing our best to make our services affordable and convenient. We offer several payment options and even can arrange financing for those who qualify. We accept most major credit cards and are absolutely committed to making your release from jail not just FAST, but affordable too!
We are open 24/7 and are licensed to post bail bonds in Placer County and all other counties in California!